Constantly up to date
Here you will find in chronological order a selection of our activities, events and symposia in which we have participated or contributed in the past…
Laser World of Photonics
Visit us at Laser World of Photonics - you will find us in hall B3, booth 344
Lecture at LiM 2023, Munich (27.06)
Scientific lecture by Lessmüller Lasertechnik: „Measurements of weld quality with OCT during laser beam oscillation welding of aluminum alloy for battery production.“
Scientific contribution from Lessmüller Lasertechnik
Topic: Weld depth dynamics measured with OCT during remote laser beam oscillation welding of battery systems.
Automotive Circle in Rochester
Technical lecture by Richard Steinbrecht on the trade fair in the USA
Automotive Circle in Bad Nauheim
Meet us again this year at Automotive Circle EALA 2023
Lessmüller goes India!
Lessmüller Laser Technology enters into partnership in India
Exclusive sensor technology for ABICOR BINZEL
Lessmüller Lasertechnik supplies technology for newly developed welding optics.
Research: AI-controlled 3D inline inspection
Lessmüller supports the Technical Faculty of Nuremberg-Erlangen in the AI research project KIKoSA for quality improvement of hairpin welds
Automotive Circle in Bad Nauheim
Lessmüller presents an OCT system in the Automotive Circle
Presentation at EALA 2022
Presentation by Richard Steinbrecht and Marius Schwarz from Mercedes-Benz AG
LaserEMobility Workshop
Lecture by Richard Steinbrecht and Eckhard Lessmüller on OCT sensor technology
Laser World of Photonics
Visit us at Laser World of Photonics - you will find us in hall A5, booth 350