Quality assurance – laser welding sensors technology made in Germany

There are many ways to integrate our products into laser welding processes. Whether before (pre), during (in) or immediately after (post) the welding process – depending on the requirements, there are completely different tasks and possible uses for our technology. Find a selection of different application options here and use our know-how to optimise your welding processes.

laser welding sensors

laser welding sensors

The Laser welding sensors from Lessmüller


Lessmüller Lasertechnik GmbH
Gollierstraße 12
D-80339 München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 – 360 90 48 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)89 – 360 90 48 -29

Email: info[Ω]lessmueller.de
Web: www.lessmueller.de
Location: Google Maps

(Representation for OCT only)

OPTOPRIM Italia s.r.l.

Via Carlo Rota, 37
20900 Monza
MB – Italy

Phone.: (+39) 039 834977
Fax: (+39) 039 2845269

E-Mail: info[Ω]optoprim.it
Web: www.optoprim.it

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Li10 LLC
Jonathan Clayton
55-B Concourse Way
Greer 29650
South Carolina, USA
Phone: +1 864-414-4340

Mail: jmclayton[Ω]li10na.com
Web: www.li10na.com

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Yukihiro Okumura
2-39-17-101, Kamiogi,
Suginami-ku Tokyo,
167-0043, Japan
Phone: +81 3-3301-9671
Fax: +81 3-3301-9672

Mail: sales[Ω]intech-jp.com
Web: www.intech-jp.com

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57, Techno-1ro,
Yuseong-gu, Daejeon,
South Korea (34014)
Phone: +82 42-862-2080
Fax: +82 42-862-2088

Mail: support[Ω]hubis.co.kr
Web: www.hubis.co.kr

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Lessmueller Laser Technology (Shanghai) Ltd.
Leo Wu
102, No. 8 Building
No. 6066, Songze Avenue
Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Phone: +86 138-1610-9785

Mail: info[Ω]lessmueller.cn
Web: www.lessmueller.cn

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Suresh Indu Lasers Private Limited

Plot No. Plot 117 & 118,
Ramtekdi Industrial Area
Hadapsar, Pune – 411 013, India
Phone: + 020 6708 1000

E-Mail: info[Ω]silasers.com
Web: www.silasers.com

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